Santa Rosa, a historic colonial town in Honduras. My partner Cara toured indigenous communities participating in Heifer International projects. This town housed a potter who had become a beekeeper with the support of Heifer.

Basilica in Tegucigalpa

Boy in Trinidad.
Below, Chorti Maya people and scenes.


Above, a Heifer-supported orphanage. Below Cara with a Lenca girl, her family, and the cow they received from Heifer.


Roadside oven.

Above, manure composted to collect methane. Below, the stove it supplies.


Community corn grinder.

Banana trees.

Coffee-roasting plant near Tegucigalpa.

Political ad for election year.

Honduras is home to several cloud forests.

Mayan ruins. In the foreground is the killing stone.


Wedding in Santa Rosa.

Honduran 5th graders in Trinidad.