Look for the chicken tails in the lambs ear! These chickens are exploring living plants for the first time
At just over 5 weeks old, our fast-growing young chickens visited their future home . We brought them back up a couple of more nights, but now they are comfortable in their large decorated space, shown below.
At 4 weeks the chickens are a little larger than quail with long wings and big feet.
Look at those feet!
They first cautiously and then enthusiastically explored the new space we have provided. The large-breasted Buff Orphington and one of the Rhode Island Reds seem to be at the top of the pecking order, dominating the best roost on the wall between the two spaces.
JOHN DANCY-JONES has been producing hand-laid paper and letterpress printing on paper since 1977. He operated the Paper Plant bookstore and book arts center from 1982 until 1990.
Mr. Dancy-Jones has published award-winning small press publications since 1983.
A retired art and science teacher, he has an English degree from UNC-CH and a masters in Special Education from NCSU.
John Dancy-Jones' most recent publication is Snapper: My Life with Snapping Turtles, a limited edition book made completely by hand.
main website: www.paperplantpress.com
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